BERG Ingenieurdienstleistung

The company BERG idl GmbH exists since 1970 and consist of an engineering office and a mechanical engineering company.

We are the professional partner for all industrial sectors, in which innovative ideas are constructively developed and practically implemented.

We realize numerous innovations, from the idea to the product, and build efficient machines and installations. Our construction office works with the most modern CAD programs and our mechanical engineering company is optimally equipped, to realize your and our ideas in a most flexible way.


Today, the company BERG idl GmbH realizes the most different developing and mechanical engineering projects. Ideas without boundaries are in great demand in every industry. Special knowledge and thinking outside of the box show us frequently surprising possibilities, whose realization have turned BERG-idl GmbH into a innovative expert for new products. That way, business relationships last for years and during the realization of national and international projects, numerous patent applications have resulted as a side product of our work together.

Our team consist of 15 members of the occupation categories:

  • Mechanical Engineers (university)
  • Engineering Technicians
  • Technical Product Designers
  • Electrical Engineers
  • Machine Building Technicians
  • Precision Machinists

Dr.-Ing. Mario Berg


1970 gründete Gerhard Berg in Hockenheim ein Unternehmen zur Herstellung von Vorrichtungen und Schweißkonstruktionen. Als kleine Firma gelang es von Anfang an, Kunden von der Leistungsfähigkeit eines flexiblen Fertigungsbetriebs zu überzeugen.

Schnell erfolgte der Umzug nach Altlußheim in das erste eigene Betriebsgebäude

Auch aus dieser Zeit bestehen noch aktive Kundenkontakte.

1998 wurde die BERG-idl GmbH gegründet.

Zusammen mit dem damals neuen Ingenieurbüro wird der Betrieb seitdem in der zweiten Generation fortgesetzt.

Contact us

Do you have questions about our products or would you like to send us a request? We are looking forward to your message!

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